Tyler Sirois: Tel: (207) 441-4863 Email: Tyler.Sirois@maine.gov
Marine and Charter Services
Bamforth’s Marine, Brunswick Landing, Brunswick, Maine Tel: (207) 729-3303
Boat & Motor Sales, Storage
Finestkind Boatyard, 11 Bristol Way, Harpswell, Maine Tel: (207) 833-6885 www.fkby.com Full Service and DIY Boatyard, Boat Transport and Storage
Safe Harbor, 419 Harpswell Islands Rd., Harpswell, Maine Tel: (207) 729-1639
Full Service Marina
Dolphin Marine Service, Inc., 515 Basin Point Rd., Harpswell, Maine Tel: (207) 833-5343
Full Service Marina & Restaurant
Coastal Barge and Mooring, Harpswell, Maine.
Mooring Services.
Contact: John Blood
Email: coastalbarge@yahoo.com. Phone: (207) 841-1587
Tevake Sailing Charters Bailey Island, Maine 04003 Tel: (207) 841-9125
Restaurants and Take-Out
Bailey Island General Store , 2124 Harpswell Islands Rd., Bailey Island, Maine 04003 Tel: (207) 833-2400
Groceries and Café
Fishnet Cafe, 2118 Harpswell Islands Rd., Bailey Island Maine 04003 Tel: (207) 833-3643
Cook’s Lobster House, Garrison Cove Rd., Bailey Island, Maine 04033 Tel: (207) 833-2818
Full Service Restaurant
Sundrenched , 1947 Harpswell Islands Rd., Bailey Island, Maine 04003 Tel: (207) 833-7775
No table service.
Salt Cod Café, 1854 Harpswell Islands Rd., Orr’s Island, Maine 04066 Tel: (207) 833-6210
Pump-Out Stations
Casco Bay is a “No Discharge Area” which makes it illegal to dump boat sewage within three miles of the coast–anywhere from Small Point to Two Lights in Cape Elizabeth.
Listed below are pump-out facilities in our area. Please call ahead to ensure pump-out is open for use. If you find any of these facilities to be inaccessible or dysfunctional, please contact the Maine Department of Environmental Protection at (207) 485-3038.
Spring Point Marina (Portland Harbor) (207) 767-3213
City of South Portland (Fore River) (207) 767-3201
Sunset Marina (Portland Harbor), South Portland (207) 767-4729
Aspasia (Portland Harbor), South Portland (207) 767-1914
South Port Marine (Portland Harbor), South Portland (207) 799-8191
DiMillo’s Marina (Portland Harbor) (207) 773-7632
Portland Yacht Services, Portland (207) 774-1067
Maine Yacht Center, Portland (207) 842-9000
Diamond Cove Marina, Portland (207) 766-5850
Handy Boat, Falmouth (207) 781-5110
Falmouth Town Landing, Falmouth (207) 781-7317
Royal River Boatyard, Yarmouth (207) 846-9577
Yankee Marina, Yarmouth (207) 846-4326
Strout’s Point Wharf, South Freeport (207) 865-3899
Brewer’s Marine, South Freeport (207) 865-3181
Paul’s Marina, Mere Point Bay, Brunswick (207) 729-3067
Dolphin Marine Services, Potts Harbor, Harpswell (207) 833-6000
Safe Harbor, Orr Cove, Harpswell (207) 729-1639
Sebasco Harbor Resort, Phippsburg (207) 389-1161
New Meadows Marina, New Meadows River, Brunswick (207) 443-6277
Friends of Casco Bay, Baykeeper II (pump-out boat) (207) 776-0136 (by appointment)
U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Norther New England, Dial: 911
Boat U.S. Towing, Tel: (207) 200-2534
Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Ocean observing Data from the Gulf of Maine
NERACOOS, Northeast Regional Association of Coastal and Ocean Observing Systems
Online Cruising Guide to Maine: Guides.cruisingclub.org